​What we offer

Each Functional Skills Qualification in English is made up of three mandatory components:
Speaking, Listening and Communicating
All three components must be successfully completed at the same level to achieve the qualification.
This handbook provides instructions for undertaking the reading and writing examinations that are set, marked and moderated by Highfield Qualifications. The reading and writing examinations are both available in on screen and paper-based formats.

Learners taking the Functional Skills Qualification in Mathematics must successfully complete one mandatory assessment, which consists of two parts:
the calculator test
the non-calculator test
Marks from the two parts are combined and the result will be released using the combined mark from both parts of the examination.
This handbook provides instructions for undertaking the mathematics examinations, which are set, marked and moderated by Highfield Qualifications. The mathematics examination is available in on screen and paper-based formats.