Many learners are keen to spend less time in the classroom and more time studying independently, at a time and in a place to suit them.
Our courses can be worked through on almost any device (excluding mobile phones) - all you need is an internet connection. Study at a time and at a location that meets your needs. Employers - your staff can study without leaving the workplace.
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View our E-Learning Training Courses

Fire Safety Level 2 Qualify at Home
Qualify at Home
Package including E Learning, E Assessment and remote Invigilation.
Understand and mitigate against the risk of fire in the workplace with this interactive online training course that can be completed in just 2 to 3 hours. It is ideal training for fire marshals.

Personal Licence Holders Level 2 Qualify at Home
Qualify at Home
Package including E Learning, E Assessment and remote Invigilation.
An interactive, fun and engaging approach to personal licence holder training this online course covers the syllabus of the level 2 award for personal licence holders (APLH).